What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice Belt

Never let reality get in the way of a perfectly good theory.

- Bill Jetzer

The Social Connection

I didn’t really anticipate connecting all my social media around www.benjaminbarlow.com, but I guess it is turning out to be a good idea… New are the Social Media buttons in the center of the top bar that links to my LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

Then there is my miniblog/status on that top bar, to the left. That was originally going to be utilized for just random short outbursts of thoughts… kinda like a Twitter update or Facebook post… Well, since WordPress is just really awesome, I was able to install two plugins that auto-publish what I put there to Twitter and Facebook.

Then there are the SEO aspects…

Yesterday, I focused a lot of time and energy into learning about Facebook’s OpenGraph and Twitter’s Twitter Cards. By the end of the night, I was able to successfully implement them both! My <head> is getting pretty full… if you know what I mean… it’s an HTML SEO joke…

The purpose of these implementations is to control the shared information when linking to www.benjaminbarlow.com in FB or Twitter. In other words, I specify the photo, description, title, twitter handle, etc for each social network to generate and display for the link. Test it out! Type my URL in your twitter post and you’ll see my Twitter Card! I could’ve added videos, sounds/music, and other info, but really… I don’t need that.

All in all, a successful learning and enhancement experience.